What to do in case of an emergency

Hypnotherapy Solutions Australia is not an emergency service. If you’re experiencing difficulties and need help immediately then please contact your local crisis support services; or present to your nearest emergency department. If you’d like to find links to some additional resources, then I have collated some here. 

If you live in Australia or the UK then the following information may be of use to you:

1) Link to Emergency Contacts Australia

Follow this link for services in Australia that may help




You can also find stories of people with lived experience via the lifeline link by clicking on the Lived Stories tab at the bottom of the linked page above. Here is a direct link to the Holding onto Hope Podcast that you will find there:

2) Link to Emergency Contacts UK  



You may also find the information shared in the Holding onto Hope Podcast mentioned above from Lifeline Australia useful. 

If you live outside of Australia or the UK, consider what services are available for you in your area. Often speaking to a family doctor or General Practitioner can be a really useful first step. In some places, charitable organisations exist that may be able to offer support or at least point you in the right direction. If you have access to the internet you can look up services that may offer support, or reach out to a trusted friend or family member. If none of that is possible then my suggestion would be to attend your nearest hospital emergency department.

The Lifeline Australia link I shared with you above: https://www.lifeline.org.au/resources/toolkit-downloads/ does have information on it including stories from people with lived experience that you may find useful. This can be found at the bottom of the linked page above, by clicking on the tab Lived Stories at the bottom of that page where you will find the Holding on to Hope podcast. Here is the link directly to that page: 

Remember, no matter how it feels you are not alone. The World Health Organisation estimates that 1 in 7 people will suffer from a mental health concern at some point in their lives. Just think of how many billions of people there are on this planet and how many people have therefore been where you are. But also, think of how many people have made changes. Changes that have helped them to get through whatever situation they faced. Change is possible, the first step is to seek help.


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