
What I can help you with

Using hypnotherapy and a range of other therapies to support you, including the Rewind Technique, I can help you with:

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Phobias

  • Trauma/PTSD

  • Sleep issues

  • Quitting Smoking

  • Losing Weight 

  • Building confidence

  • Overcoming procrastination 

  • Managing chronic pain

  • Grief

  • Addictions

  • and many more areas as well.

How I can help

I work with you, to design a plan that responds to your individual needs, using hypnotherapy and a combination of other therapies to best support you.

The challenges we face

Our worlds can be busy places. They can feel confusing, and at times overwhelming, which can lead to a range of difficulties. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

What we know is that most of our responses to the world are generated automatically, which is a good thing, otherwise we would have to keep learning to do things over and over again. Things like: getting dressed, eating, washing, reading, driving and even walking, required us to learn how. And now that we know, we don’t even give them a second thought. In fact if we were to try to explain how we do most things, in any accurate or sequential way, then we would probably struggle. But this is also true in relation to our emotions and our responses to things like stress, change, uncertainty, danger, and even each other–all of it is automated.

95% of everything we do happens at a subconscious level. That means that all of our biological and emotional responses are managed subconsciously, or unconsciously, depending on how we want to word it, which is where hypnotherapy comes in. Because what we know is, when we have a conversation with that part of ourselves, we have an opportunity to change how we respond and manage situations; and with that, we can change so much of our experience of the world.

(See the video links you may find useful page in our resources section for more information on this)

So how does it work?

Well, hypnotherapy is a vehicle for communicating with those automated responses (see our FAQ’s section for more information), and the other therapies, such as strategic psychotherapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and a multitude of others, are the therapeutic methods I use to communicate and support you to make the changes you want to make.

A meta-analysis was performed on 18 studies in which a cognitive-behavioral therapy was compared with the same therapy supplemented by hypnosis. The results indicated that the addition of hypnosis substantially enhanced treatment outcomes, so that the average client receiving cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy showed greater improvement than at least 70% of clients receiving nonhypnotic treatment.
— I. Kirsch, G. Montgomery, G. Sapirstein Published 1995 Medicine, Psychology Journal of consulting and clinical psychology

In the example given above, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) was the therapeutic method used. Both Strategic Psychotherapy and CBT share similar ideas, as does ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and Solution Focused, and Solution Oriented therapy (all of which I use). This is because they operate from the belief that our perception of the world is not always accurate, and this affects how we feel. As Aaron T Beck the founder of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) said:

…the way people perceive their experiences influences their emotional, behavioural, and physiological reactions.
— Beck, A.T. (1964). Thinking and depression: Theory and therapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10, 561-571

So, the methods I use target those perceptions, in a gentle yet empowering way, working with you at all times.

The reality is that I don’t need to go over your entire story again and again.

I work with you, where you are, now.

More information on how I can help with trauma and phobias

Let me treat your PTSD or phobia comfortably and quickly.

The Rewind Technique

The Rewind Technique is a tried-and-tested approach to treating PTSD and phobias

For many years, severe anxiety-based conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias were considered treatable only through long, painful exposure therapy, and in some cases, not at all.

Now, thankfully, we have access to a comfortable, effective treatment that can greatly reduce, and even remove, traumatic or phobic symptoms quickly.

Research results for the Rewind Technique

Although research into the Rewind Technique is still in its infancy, one study carried out by the Human Givens Institute in the UK showed the following results:

Study size: 30 people

  • 40% of clients rated rewind as extremely successful.

  • 53% rated it as successful.

  • 7% rated it as acceptable.

No one rated the Rewind Technique poor or as a failure.

  • Prior to rewind, on average clients rated their well being as 12 out of 50.

  • Seven to 10 days after treatment, the average score was 30.3 out of 50.

  • Three to six months later, the average score was 32.2.

This represents an improvement of 167.4 per cent on their original ratings.

A four-year study carried out within NOVA (part of the Barnardo’s charity) showed similarly impressive results:

Study size: 47 people, 57% of whom were treated with Rewind alone.

  • 26 would have met the criteria for PTSD.

  • After treatment none of the forty-seven people treated met the criteria for PTSD.

  • There was also a significant reduction of all sub symptoms associated with PTSD, five categories had zero reports after treatment.

(Human Givens journal Volume 14, No 4- 2007)

Rewind Technique does not need you to go over the traumatic incident(s) again

Many people with trauma or phobias have been treated using approaches which drag them back through the experience again and again; a highly unpleasant thing to have to do.

This does not happen with the Rewind Technique, and I don’t even need to know the details of what happened to you.

So if you suffer from PTSD or phobias I think I can help.