About me

Photo of Jeremy Maddison

Hi, I’m Jeremy Maddison.

A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Strategic Psychotherapist.

I probably spent the first thirty five years of my life hiding - not in a cupboard somewhere, but in my mind. The idea that I could be myself, the idea that being me was ok, felt like lies - so how could I possibly let anyone in. Anxiety was common in my family, and when you hear a story long enough it tends to rub off on you.

I spent years struggling with stress, anxiety, and the idea that I had to be perfect. Struggling to sleep, struggling to make friends, or form relationships. Struggling to see that life had any worth at all. That was my story. But then I found hypnosis and the wisdom of a Scottish Welder, and suddenly all of that changed, and I want that for you.

Now I’m married with two kids. I’m sleeping better, feeling better and living better. Life has ups and downs, that’s just part of how life works, but now I see them for what they are, not what I thought they were.

Why not get in touch so that I can help you do the same.


I’ve had over thirty years of experience working with people from many different backgrounds in both the UK and Australia.

I’m an Australian Government accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist and Strategic Psychotherapist, trained in:

  • Somatic Trauma Therapy

  • Strategic Psychotherapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Solution Focussed Therapy

  • Solution Oriented Hypnotherapy

  • The Rewind Technique.

  • I am also a Master Coach of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

I’m a member of the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA), The Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (AACHP) and the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA)

I live with my wife and two children in Orange NSW, Australia, but offer support to people from anywhere in the world via online therapy.