Hypnotherapy is about you

“It’s about the possibilities that exist within you, and the change that can happen when we recognise that.”

Discover your possibilities with online hypnotherapy.

You can use Hypnotherapy

Hi, I’m Jeremy Maddison, an Australian Government accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist, Strategic Psychotherapist and Coach, based in Orange NSW, Australia. I offer online Hypnotherapy, specialising in hypnotherapy for anxiety, hypnotherapy for stress, and hypnotherapy for addictions, in all their forms. Providing support that can change your life forever. And I welcome you to get in touch.

image of Jeremy Maddison in outdoor setting

Life can be filled with challenges. We know that. In fact it’s quite clear that without any challenges we wouldn’t grow at all. But sometimes those challenges can accumulate and unwelcome guests like stress and anxiety can pitch their tents in our lives and make things even harder.

A 2019 Gallop Poll, found that about one third of the world’s population, reported feeling stressed, angry or worried. https://www.singlecare.com/blog/news/stress-statistics/

However, the incidents of stress appear to be increasing since that poll was carried out, with coronavirus, economic stress, floods, fires, droughts, war and impacts on travel and I’m sure many other areas as well.

According to the Mayo Clinic, common effects of stress include the following:

On your body

Headache, Muscle tesion or pain, chest pain, fatigue, change in sex drive, stomach upset and sleep problems.

On your mood

Anxiety, restlessness, lack of motivation or focus, feeling overwhelmed, irritability or anger, sadness or depression.

On your behavior

Overeating or undereating, angry outbursts, drug and alcohol misuse, tobacco use, social withdrawal, exercising less often.

The Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-symptoms/art-20050987

Hypnotherapy Can Help

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”